Little birds

Monday, October 27, 2014

Piti piti zwazo fe nich

It is a favorite Haitian proverb of ours, and it means "Little by little, the bird makes its nest." The meaning is pretty clear, and it applies to so many situations. My two friends and fellow graduate students at the time - Sarah and Gina - and I used this phrase a lot when we were here in late 2010. After reaching the point in an introductory conversation where our limited Kreyol ran out, we would smile and recite this phrase. It signified, for us, that our Kreyol was coming along, so to please be patient with us. People loved that we knew this phrase. It was a real crowd-pleaser. 

For us today, it provides a reminder of a broader perspective. That we are like "little birds," just coming along in our understanding of so many things here. But, each step is productive towards some larger goal. Nothing is lost! Even those days when we feel like we don't quite pass muster, we can rest assured that even the bad bits can be used for something greater - redeemed for His higher plan.

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