The Hundred-Foot Journey

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Being at home in San Diego for Christmas meant we got to catch some of the more recent talked-about flicks, and all with the ease of a quick Redbox run or Amazon Prime rental. Whoa!

Christmas Day, our family watched The Hundred-Foot Journey, a comedy about an Indian, restaurant-owning family that travels through Europe in search of the perfect location for their new culinary venture. They settle in small-town France, but with some obstacles to overcome: the town is already somewhat xenophobic, plus a renowned, classically French restaurant is situated just one hundred feet from their front door.

Everything takes a turn when the prominent son and chef of the family, Hassan, starts to take an interest in uncovering the hidden secrets of French cuisine, with the help of a young chef-in-training, Marguerite.

In my view, The Hundred-Foot Journey scores major points for being a fun comedy/drama that covers unique territory – it’s the first French/Indian film I have seen. It will also leave you hungry and anticipating your next delicious meal!

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